
The future of the former Jeffboat property is one step closer to becoming a reality after a second public meeting this week. 

OHM Advisors (Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc.) presented two concepts to show the potential of the riverfront property including an amphitheater, observation tower, marina, restaurants, residential, office space and more.

The purpose of the meeting was to answer any questions and gain feedback from these initial designs. 

Mayor Mike Moore attended the meeting and was pleased to see so many get involved. 

“Gaining public input has been invaluable to this process,” Moore said. “Looking forward to what comes next.”

Click here to download the former Jeffboat Conceptsopens PDF file


Click here to download the Challenges and Opportunitiesopens PDF file




5 Replies to “Two concepts unveiled for former Jeffboat property”

  1. Katie says:

    Please no high buildings or apartments (the last thing Jeffersonville needs is more apartments or homes stacked on top of each other). Plus homes and offices will only benefit few while shops, restaurants, and parks can be enjoyed by all. Tall buildings will take away the skyline/river front view from the Indiana side and the beautiful area you’re creating will only be half as amazing. Please make it appealing from all sides and don’t block out the view.

    • Deanna l says:

      No high rise buildings for businesses. Parks for walking trails with pets and children, would be great for the city, as long as the city can keep out drug addicts, drunks and the rift rats out. Lots of patrols to keep it safe for all. teens under age 18 or
      Teen punks kept out unless with guardians of parents. Dogs on leash and clean up poop or face fines. Hire and train resident to patrol. Everyone in patrol must have correct I D’s and checked entering park, may be a hefty fee to enter park and with Arm band if leave park and to re enter it only one time and, or a yearly membership for indiana residents only. out of state large entrance fee. Louisville Kentucky have their own river side park.

  2. James Ray Karsner says:

    My home is on the corner of Brighton Ave and Utica Pike. There has always been a big white building directly across the street on the Jeff Boat property that blocks any view of the river. Hopefully with the redevelopment, the view will be much more enjoyable. I’m looking forward to the redevelopment.

  3. Neyland Clark says:

    The amphitheater needs to have the capacity to accommodate the Louisville Orchestra. If we want to partner with neighboring communities for the cultural events we need the facility to accommodate groups such as the Indianapolis Symphony, the Louisville Orchestra, Indiana University Singers, IUS performers and even groups from Cincinnati. Anything less would be shortsighted and extremely limiting for the future development of Downtown/Historic Jeffersonville.

  4. MDA1 says:

    Please leave Maple Street and East Chestnut Street out of any ‘mixed use’ neighborhood developments in these plans. These are historic neighborhoods that have been in families for many generations and need to remain privately owned and protected. We are grateful for any development in this area but do not want our homes ‘taken from us’ — we as our parents and grandparents grew up here and want to retire here. Many family members worked for Jeffboat – it would be ashame to have us ran off by developments on this site.

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