Elisha Gibson



Email: egibson@cityofjeff.net

Contact Us

Address: Utility Billing Office -Jeffersonville Wastewater Department PO BOX 5798 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5798

Phone: 812-285-6418

Fax: 812-285-6421

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Email: utilitybilling@cityofjeff.net


Utility Billing  Staff

Jackie Langdon, Utility Office Billing Coordinator
Email: jlangdon@cityofjeff.net

Linda Human, Utility Office Clerk
Email: lhuman@cityofjeff.net

Annette Phillips, Utility Office Clerk
Email: aphillips@cityofjeff.net

Caryn Phillips, Utility Office Clerk
Email: cphillips@cityofjeff.net

Lindsey Thompson, Utility Office Clerk
Email: lthompson@cityofjeff.net

Sewer Bill Payments

Sewer rates are based on water consumption and are billed a month behind a sewer customers’ water bills. In other words, the water you use for the water bill you receive in January is used to calculate your February sewer bill.

Payments are due to the Utility Billing Office on the 10th day of each month. Payments may be by cash, check or money order, credit/debit card or sewer customers may opt to enroll in electronic funds transfer.

There is a $25 charge for checks returned for insufficient funds. Credit/debit card transactions are subject to a 2.5% fee,  with minimum charge of $1.50. 

If a bill is unpaid after the 10th day of the month, a 10 percent penalty applies as prescribed in  opens in a new windowIndiana Code 36-9-23-31.

Ways to Pay Your Sewer Bill

You can visit our office on the first floor of City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

You can pay your bill after regular business hours by dropping off your payment in the drop box located to the left of the front doors at City Hall.

Mail payments to:

Jeffersonville Wastewater Department

PO BOX 5798

Carol Stream, IL 60197-5798

Click to pay your bill online with a credit/debit card.

  • We accept credit and debit cards, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, as well as electronic checks.

Call Toll Free at 844-903-0256 to pay your bill over the phone using a credit/debit card.

  • NOTE: There will be a 2.50% convenience fee with minimum charge of $1.50 added to credit/debit card transactions. 

If you want to sign up to have your sewer bill payment made by ACH (Automatic withdrawal from checking account), download the Auto Pay Form (ACH)opens PDF file .

If you want to have your monthly bill sent to you via email, call our office at 812-285-6418 to arrange paperless billing.

More Information

opens in a new windowView the Water/Wastewater Service Disconnection Policy hereopens PDF file .

When a customer’s sewer bill is thirty (30) days past due the following message will be added to their sewer bill:

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Your sewer bill is now thirty days past due, please pay in full by the due date.

When a sewer bill remains unpaid for sixty (60) a letter will be sent to the customer. After ninety (90) days a list of customers will be generated and prioritized based on the following:

  1. Length of time since last payment, and
  2.  Amount due

City Council ordinance  opens in a new window2011-OR-73opens PDF file  states that property owners are responsible for the payment of sewer bills. Landlords should be aware that they are ultimately responsible for tenants’ unpaid sewer bills.

Properties for which sewer bills remain unpaid are subject to liens under  opens in a new windowIndiana Code 36-9-23-32.

The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform City procedures regarding adjustment to customers’ monthly billing for sewer usage; to establish guidelines for application of adjustments to customers’ monthly bills; to ensure that the use of billing adjustments is correctly authorized and applied; and to disconnect water service for non-payment of sewer bills.

View the full Wastewater Billing Adjustment Policyopens PDF file .

Jeffersonville’s residential wastewater customers are assessed a $3.50 per month fee for drainage, to help improve water quality and comply with the Clean Water Act. Drainage fees for businesses are based on the amount of impervious area — any surface through which water cannot seep — on each business customer’s property.

The City of Jeffersonville Wastewater Department is selling a low-cost solution to your potential root intrusion problem. The Department purchased a quantity of RootX® for sale to the Wastewater Department customers to eliminate or avoid costly repairs to your sewer lateral (the sewer line from your house to the City’s sewer main). Cost $27.

The Jeffersonville Sanitary Sewer Board meets at 3 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month in the Mayor’s Conference Room at City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Ct.

Please report sewer emergencies to the wastewater treatment plant at 812-285-6451 before calling a plumber.
Treatment plant office hours are 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, or after hours the answering service will forward a message.

If you are looking for information on New Developments, Sewer Construction Standards, Combined Sewer Overflows, our Consent Decree or Public Outreach, visit the Wastewater Department page.

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