Frequently Asked Questions
By law, the City has ninety (90) days to process your claim. Sometimes it may be quicker, but it usually takes ninety (90) days.
You will receive a response, either denying your claim or offering a settlement, approximately ninety (90) days from the date you filed. Until then, we do not send correspondence.
If your claim is properly filed, the City will investigate it and will notify you in writing within 90 days of receipt if your claim has been approved. If the City pays your claim, you will receive settlement paperwork. Once we receive properly executed copies with original signatures (no copies or faxed signatures), it will take 5-7 weeks from date we receive your executed settlement paperwork before you receive your check. See also Question Number 9 below.
The City does not settle every tort claim. Each Tort Claim is investigated to make a detailed inquiry or examination to determine if the City of Jeffersonville was negligent.
Our office will complete its investigation of your claim in which you believe that you suffered damages. If we determine that the City was negligent, the City will send settlement paperwork as detailed in Questions 3 and 9. If we determine the City was not negligent, we will provide you a letter informing you of this decision.
We will notify you in writing within 90 days of receipt if your claim is approved. By law, a claim is denied if not settled within 90 days.
Our office will complete its investigation of your claim in which you believe that you suffered damages. If we determine that the City was negligent, the City will send settlement paperwork as detailed in Questions 3 and 9. If we determine the City was not negligent, we will provide you a letter informing you of this decision.
Our office will complete its investigation of your claim in which you believe that you suffered damages. If we determine that the City was negligent, the City will send settlement paperwork as detailed in Questions 3 and 9. If we determine the City was not negligent, we will provide you a letter informing you of this decision.
If the City of Jeffersonville approves payment of a tort claim, the Law Department will mail the settlement paperwork to the Claimant. The paperwork must be signed by the Claimant. Some documents must also be notarized. All paperwork must have the original signature. The Law Department cannot accept settlement paperwork that has been faxed or scanned and emailed to the office. Once the properly executed paperwork is received by the Law Department, the Claimant will receive the settlement check within approximately 5-7 weeks. Please allow this time before inquiring about your payment.