Big Four Station

Big Four Station serves as the landing of the Big Four Bridge and welcomes pedestrians and bicyclists from Louisville to Jeffersonville. The project, which cost about $6 million consists of a 40×80 farmer’s market pavilion, restroom facilities, a playground, historic markers, and a water feature cascading into a fountain with a monumental glass light shard.

Big Four Station

10th Street Widening

10th Street serves as both a main-thoroughfare through the city and as a home to many businesses. It is well-traveled by both cars and pedestrians on a daily basis, and will continue to be so as developments, such as River Ridge, grow on the east end of Jeffersonville. To accommodate the growing needs 10th Street will be re-graded and repaved with wider lanes and added turning lanes. It will also be more pedestrian friendly and more aesthetically pleasing.

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The Redevelopment Commission is working to improve the Jeffersonville Marina to provide a welcoming look to our City’s front door, and revitalize our access to one of our most important assets, the Ohio River. In November 2014, the old docks were torn out to make way for construction of the Marina to begin in the spring of 2015.The riverfront will be revamped to include approximately 30 docks, approximately half of which will be transient slips that will allow boaters to dock and shop, dock and dine and explore downtown Jeffersonville.


Chestnut Street Reconstruction

Chestnut Street is a vital corridor leading the bicyclists and pedestrians from Big Four Ramp and future Big Four Station to retail and restaurants on Spring Street in downtown Jeffersonville. The City of Jeffersonville received a grant in the amount of $250,000 toward the total project cost of approximately $600,000. Improvements for this block include bioswales, street trees, new lighting, and a sweeping street design that will carry the aesthetic appeal of the Big Four Station landing towards Spring Street.

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